TAAG Update

One thing that annoyed me about my TAAG program was that every time you changed fonts, the top frame had to be reloaded. This was because the program needed to talk to the server to get the information about the new font. However, technically, nothing on the page needed to be redrawn, so refreshing the whole frame seemed like a little much, and when you change fonts a lot, it gets annoying. Anyway, this week I was reading up on AJAX, which is a way of talking to the server without reloading the webpage. Since this was just was I was looking for, I decided to incorporate the technique into TAAG:


The top frame will still reload is you change the “Font Type” or if you select a font from the preview page. However, it should not reload if you change fonts via the drop down font list. Also, there is a bug in Firefox where the “onchange” event isn’t triggered for keypresses on listboxes, I’ve set things up so you should now be able to change fonts with your keyboard on Firefox. A few other things were updated as well, but it was all small stuff.

If you’re thinking about developing web applications or interactive webpages, AJAX is worth reading up on. I wish I’d known about it sooner. Later this week I think I’ll start on my next program, it’ll be another web program and I’m unsure of how long it’ll take to make.

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