I’m Not Dead

I’ve had a hectic past few weeks. Not the normal kind of “oh man I’m stressed”, but the “holy shit I’m stressed” kind of weeks. Things appear to be calming down now though. I’ve been thinking about new things I can do for this site, but all I’ve got so far are a bunch of half finished ideas and projects. Things coming in the near future (next month or so): A new version of the Image Color Palette Generator, the source code to that project, and a rough draft of patrickgillespie.com. The patrickgillespie.com project is the most fun, so that may be out first.

Web App URLs

I’ve decided to change the URLs to my web apps so that they are one level down. Basically, I think having someone type “patorjk.com/software/taag” is a little much. It’s easier to remember “patorjk.com/taag”. The “software” text doesn’t really add much value. I haven’t moved them all yet, and when I do I’ll 301 redirect the old links, but I figured I’d let people know my reasoning for doing this.


Months ago I removed my links page. I did this because I was replacing it with the links you see in the left panel under the headings “Interesting Blog Links” and “Programming/Hacking Links”. I’ve now decided that it was a mistake to do this. I’m going to keep the links in the left hand panel, but I’m also going to add the links page back in. It will now be called “Exits“. I haven’t had time to fully populate this page, but you can expect the Exits page to grow over the next few weeks. In the mean time, if you’re bored, here are some amusing sites to waste your time with:

Where is Bob? Tales of an Absentee Manager – A really funny blog about a manager named Bob who terrorizes his IT employees. I get the feeling this is fiction, but it’s still a fun read.

The Trolls Among Us – One of the most fascinating articles I’ve read in recent memory. A reporter dives down into the world of internet trolls.

2 thoughts on “I’m Not Dead”

  1. Cool new site you have there. I like the 3D layout of the tables. I’m guessing Rotten Agenda = Awesome Andrew? The style of the site struck me as being in the same vein. You may want to use feeds for your updates. Only a small portion of internet users use them, but they make keeping up with a site really easy.

    As for the NYT article, it’s one best ones I’ve seen in a while. I’ve been recommending it to people, but most have either already read it or think it’s too long.

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