__  __      _      ____     ____   U _____ u   ____          ____     _____    _   _   ____            U  ___ u ____     
     ___     U|' \/ '|uU  /"\  uU|  _"\ uU|  _"\ u\| ___"|/U |  _"\ u      / __"| u |_ " _|U |"|u| | |  _"\    ___     \/"_ \// __"| u  
    |_"_|    \| |\/| |/ \/ _ \/ \| |_) |/\| |_) |/ |  _|"   \| |_) |/     <\___ \/    | |   \| |\| |/| | | |  |_"_|    | | | |\___ \/   
     | |      | |  | |  / ___ \  |  __/   |  __/   | |___    |  _ <        u___) |   /| |\   | |_| |U| |_| |\  | | .-,_| |_| |u___) |   
   U/| |\u    |_|  |_| /_/   \_\ |_|      |_|      |_____|   |_| \_\       |____/>> u |_|U  <<\___/  |____/ uU/| |\u\_)-\___/ |____/>>  
.-,_|___|_,-.<<,-,,-.   \\    >> ||>>_    ||>>_    <<   >>   //   \\_       )(  (__)_// \\_(__) )(    |||_.-,_|___|_,-.  \\    )(  (__) 
 \_)-' '-(_/  (./  \.) (__)  (__)__)__)  (__)__)  (__) (__) (__)  (__)     (__)    (__) (__)   (__)  (__)_)\_)-' '-(_/  (__)  (__)      

Wow, this program has been around a long time, hasn't it? I wrote this program while I was a senior in high school, I was going to use it as my launching pad into the world of shareware. However, I used up so much energy designing the program that I really didn't promote it. I just stuck it up on my website. Which was pretty lazy of me, but oh well. I have no idea if the registration still works, I haven't received a check from regnow in years, so I'm assuming no one has tried to register this in a while. Also, my computer crashed a few years ago so the source to this app is long gone, as is the code I used to generate the reg keys. Luckily registering doesn't give you any additional features, just some piece of mind. No wonder my plan to make a living in shareware failed, eh?

http://patorjk.com/blog/software/ - The software section of my website. You can download a copy of IMapper Studios here.

http://patorjk.com/blog/2007/07/04/imapper-studios-re-introduction/ - A blog entry on the re-introduction of IMapper Studios.

https://www.regnow.com/softsell/nph-softsell.cgi?item=4072-1 - Registration page, this program is so old I have no idea if this'll work. But if you have $7 you wouldn't mind throwing away, give it a shot.