Baby Naming Trends Tool
Plot Naming Trends by Year!*
Comma Separated Names:
(To query only male or female data, prefix a name with "m:" or "f:". For example, "m:Stacy, f:Stacy, Stacy")
Done Generating Chart!
Start Year: End Year:
Chart Legend
[No Name Selected]
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
Joe (male)
*Based on data files available at the US Social Security website. Names used under 5 times per year are excluded for privacy reasons.
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(c) Enjoy reading all the small print, don't you? :)