I actually can’t believe this is real: an online database containing the salaries of most federal employees (exempt are those who deal with matters of national security):
This sort of makes sense since we the tax payers are paying these people, however, it also seems a little wrong. Aren’t these people entitled to some amount of privacy? I’d be annoyed if someone could look up my salary, though then again, maybe if everyone knew what everyone else made it wouldn’t be so bad. You wouldn’t have people trying to cut backroom deals to get a higher salary.
Unfortunately I don’t know many Federal Employees. I tried most of the people on my facebook list and came up with only one hit (and it was the guy who told me about the site). This would be a much juicer find if Maryland State employees were listed, sort of like how New Jersey State employees are listed.
Anyway, I found this to be shockingly interesting site. If you know any federal employees you might want to point them to the site, just to see what they think :).
Great Find, Pat. I passed the link on to some family of mine.
Sigh – this link reminded me what a ridiculous amount of money my father makes for the small amount of work he does. If you work for the gov’t, you already know everyone’s income bracket based on his/her GS rating. That’s both the beauty and the pitfall of the fixed pay scale.
I’m not sure if you’re implying that your dad makes a ridiculous amount of money working for the government, but if so, I’m calling shenanigans.
The GS rating pay scale may be public, but if you ask someone, they can always lie or refuse to tell you. So there’s that sheild against prying observers.
Most places claim to have a set scale, but I think that’s mostly an illusion.
For federal workers I also disagree that they don’t earn their money. Many are veterans who were paid horribly for their military service, and from what I observe in the private sector the public sector is much more accountable than private business. It requires higher education ratings and continued education to progress than in private business where a smile can get you an extra 100k/year.
Dave – I was calling shenanigans on her mostly because I’ve been looking for a reason to use the word “shenanigans”. It’s just a really fun word to say – and type. Though having said that, I still don’t believe you had make a whole lot of money working for the government, unless you’re really high up – or on some special program.
> Many are veterans who were paid horribly for their military service…
My dad actually fits into that category. He could have made SO much more money in private industry. He ended up being an author or co-author on more than 80 different journal papers. He still even reviews papers for certain journals. The only reason he stayed with the government was because they had an awesome retirement plan when he joined (he now makes 90k retired, just sitting around the house doing nothing). My mom joined after they stopped giving that plan out, and she works her ass off. Though she has plenty of stories of people being lazy and it being impossible to fire them. One guy was caught looking at naughty images online and he got two weeks off WITH PAY and then when he came back to work all he had to do was attend some course (one of my friends was joking with me that the course was held in Hawaii – which actually wouldn’t surprise me).
Government jobs seem to be either very rigours or very laid back. Everyone I talk to who has worked for them either tells me a story of having lots of work to do or having almost nothing to do.
Calling shenanigans, eh? I’ll raise you two banana peels and a can of shaving cream.
He goes into the office maybe three days a week if you’re lucky and makes 100K more than I do. I should really get my PhD and become a committed civil servant.
He makes 100k more than you and he works for the government… are you trying to tell me that you’re currently unemployed? 😛
Based on your description, images of a full grown Ferris Buhler come to mind. Either that, or a Michael “Brownie” Brown. What kind of office lets you come in 3 days a week, do almost nothing, and then pays you 100k+? Definitely pass on my resume to him if you can…
government jobs are still the best when it comes to job security ~.: