App Interface Using ExtJS

Layout Demo

In the back of my mind I had been thinking about putting up some programming quizzes, similar to the ones I used to have on Visual Basic and C++. I was also thinking that it might be cool to have a quiz engine where users could create their own quizzes.

I’m not at that point yet, but this past weekend I decided to take the opportunity to try and learn ExtJS better and put together an interface for the app. You can see an image of the interface to the right or click here to see it in action. It’s pretty basic, but has all the functionality I think I’ll need for now.

The layout is broken into 3 sections. The top section is the header, to the left you can select quiz categories and get book recommendations, and on the right you get a list of quizzes. Hopefully the “Related Reading” panel doesn’t seem too commercial, as it was actually kind of fun to put together. I didn’t want to set myself up for having to write dozens of quizzes, so right now the interface only lists 3 quizzes (which I’ll hopefully have available soon).

Right now I’m in limbo about how complex I want this project to be. I’m not sure if I want users to be able to have accounts, and I’m not sure what data I’d want to store in a database. I’m also wondering if quizzes should be static html pages after they’re created. I’ll figure something out though.

Working with ExtJS was actually a lot of fun, and their online API documentation is fantastic. The library also seems to load rather quickly too. When I worked with Dojo, I was alarmed at the time the page took to load and how it looked while it loaded. I’m still a little bummed about the licensing for ExtJS, but I can live with certain things being GPL’d.

3 thoughts on “App Interface Using ExtJS”

  1. Hi Patorjk, I’ve been looking for your update on this project, but can’t find it. Did you write a post about it?


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