Photo By Mirko Junge
It’s born out of the basic idea I had for my old Programming Quiz App, which I released last year. Shortly after creating that app I realized that creating a list of good quiz questions was actually kind of hard, and expecting someone to write a full, non-goofy quiz was probably too much. However, coming up with a question or two is usually pretty easy. So I figured I’d change the app to be like a question database where questions were tagged with certain keywords, and the user could just select categories and get questions on those categories.
I’m not at that point yet, but I have a working demo with 20 questions. The next step will be to connect it up to a database (right now it’s all client side) and then to allow users to submit questions. Anyway, I figured 20 random programming-themed questions would be mildly entertaining so I figured I’d share it with you all. If you have any suggestions let me know.
Oh, one last note, my favorite JS graphing library, Plotkit, doesn’t seem like its being updated anymore (it’s a fantastic library, but the last update was in 2006). I made some modifications to it for this app (I changed how the colorscheme mechanism worked for bar charts if just one dataset was used) and am debating forking that library or using another one. If anyone has any graphing library suggestions let me know.
As far as JS graphing libraries, check out Protovis: http://vis.stanford.edu/protovis/
T – That library looks incredible, thank you for the link!