Going back to AOL 4.0…

I recently came across a project called NINA which has setup servers that the original AOL 4.0 software can talk to. After setting up a Windows 98 VM, installing AOL 4.0, and then configuring it to talk to NINA’s servers, I was able to log into AOL 4.0 for the first time in a very long time. It was pretty wild to hear the iconic “Welcome… You’ve Got Mail!” intro that I so often used to be greeted with. 

Since I was back in AOL, I was able to try out Mark Zuckerberg’s old fader apps, which I’d written about a few times previously. It was also cool to play around with some of the progs from the past. It was like a weird time machine.

Anyway, if you enjoy the video please like/comment/share, it seems to really help it in giving it a boost.

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