Shortly after finishing the beta version of my Typing Speed Test I started to feel like my knowledge of Javascript had some holes in it, especially in the event handling area. It’d been a long time since I’d read a book on Javascript, so I figured I’d pick one up one to help fill in the holes in what I knew.
I looked around a little bit before selecting “ppk on Javascript”. I chose this book after reading some of the author’s online articles. They were easy to read and contained a lot of interesting tidbits. I don’t want to turn this entry into a book review, so I’ll just say I enjoyed the book and would recommend it. However, the book admittedly doesn’t cover certain topics like OOP in Javascript. Though even with its omissions, it still ended up covering a lot of ground. The major things I took away from the book were:
- Event Bubbling vs Event Capturing – I feel bad I didn’t know about this. It answers the question: If an element and one of its ancestors have an event handler for the same event, which one fires first?
- location.href vs location.replace – It’s best to use “replace”. This is because replace doesn’t create a new history entry in the visitor’s browser. This is a good thing, since you don’t want to make a user’s back button useless.
- The navigator.userAgent string has an amusing story behind why its value is so convoluted.
- getElementsByTagName – I didn’t know about this DOM function. It looks like it could be really useful though.
- DOM Tree Text Nodes – When you create an HTML document, the text between tags and the text inside of a particular tag become text nodes. IE doesn’t support empty text nodes while other browsers do, this appears to make modifying the DOM tree a pain.
There were other things too, but those are what stick out in my head while I type this. I’m really glad I read that book. It reminded me of how useful programming books are (I had gotten too use to just Googling whatever I didn’t know).
Right now I’m a little more than 50 pages into “Pro Javascript Design Patterns”, which covers design patterns and OOP in Javascript. So far it’s really good. I had been meaning to read up on design patterns for a while so I’m pretty excited about this new book. I’m averaging almost 20 pages a night, so I should finish up pretty quickly. Once I finish, I’m going to get back to creating content for this site. I may make some posts in the meantime, but I figured I’d give you all a heads up as to what I was doing so you didn’t think I had forgotten about this site.