Category Archives: General News

General information about or Patrick.

TAAG Update

One thing that annoyed me about my TAAG program was that every time you changed fonts, the top frame had to be reloaded. This was because the program needed to talk to the server to get the information about the new font. However, technically, nothing on the page needed to be redrawn, so refreshing the whole frame seemed like a little much, and when you change fonts a lot, it gets annoying. Anyway, this week I was reading up on AJAX, which is a way of talking to the server without reloading the webpage. Since this was just was I was looking for, I decided to incorporate the technique into TAAG:

The top frame will still reload is you change the “Font Type” or if you select a font from the preview page. However, it should not reload if you change fonts via the drop down font list. Also, there is a bug in Firefox where the “onchange” event isn’t triggered for keypresses on listboxes, I’ve set things up so you should now be able to change fonts with your keyboard on Firefox. A few other things were updated as well, but it was all small stuff.

If you’re thinking about developing web applications or interactive webpages, AJAX is worth reading up on. I wish I’d known about it sooner. Later this week I think I’ll start on my next program, it’ll be another web program and I’m unsure of how long it’ll take to make.

Stats: July vs June

Visits were up for the month of July, I’m not exactly sure why, but it’s certainly encouraging! Thanks to all of you who come here, it motivates me to keep working on this site. As far as stats go, I’ve actually sort of been wondering how to best promote this site. Towards the end of the month I realized I hadn’t submitted this site to any search engines, so I did that. However, I was listed on most of them already, so I’m assuming manually submitting a site doesn’t do a whole lot. I did find some interesting web tools available from google though:

If you have a website you may want to check that out. It’ll give you interesting information about how your site is ranked in their search engine. Stuff like your highest ranked page, sites that point to you that count in your page rank, when the last time your page was crawled, and a couple of other things. Anyway, here are the stats…

July Stats:
Average Number of Visitors a Day: 120.94
Total Number of Visitors: 3749
Total Amount of Bandwidth Used: 2.91 GB

Links from an Internet Search Engine  
8 different refering search engines Pages Percent Hits Percent
Google 681 90.9 % 683 90.9 %
Yahoo 30 4 % 30 3.9 %
Unknown search engines 13 1.7 % 13 1.7 %
AOL 11 1.4 % 11 1.4 %
MSN 9 1.2 % 9 1.1 %
Ask Jeeves 3 0.4 % 3 0.3 %
DMOZ 1 0.1 % 1 0.1 %
MetaCrawler (Metamoteur) 1 0.1 % 1 0.1 %

June Stats:
Average Number of Visitors a Day: 84.00
Total Number of Visitors: 2520
Total Amount of Bandwidth Used: 547.01 MB

Links from an Internet Search Engine  
8 different refering search engines Pages Percent Hits Percent
Google 373 91.8 % 373 91.8 %
Unknown search engines 11 2.7 % 11 2.7 %
Yahoo 9 2.2 % 9 2.2 %
AOL 5 1.2 % 5 1.2 %
MSN 5 1.2 % 5 1.2 %
Ask Jeeves 1 0.2 % 1 0.2 %
MetaCrawler (Metamoteur) 1 0.2 % 1 0.2 %
Dogpile 1 0.2 % 1 0.2 %

Harry Potter Madness

I was one of those people who waited out side the book store in a long line, right before midnight, when “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” was released. The atmosphere was great: There were people in costumes (one group showed up dressed as jedis – which made no sense), lots of excited people, and lots of cute girls. I was actually pretty astonished. There are a lot of cute girls that read the Harry Potter books.

It was kind of odd for me to be there though, I felt sort of like a charlatan since I was only 100 pages into the fourth book (even now I’m still on the fourth book). I was picking up my mom’s reserved copy though, and I couldn’t resist the idea of a midnight book release. It seemed like a fun thing to be a part of.

Anyway, it’s that time of year again. Since this is the final book, I knew it’d be bigger and there’d be more crazy stuff going on. But unfortunately for me, it wasn’t to be. I’ve been sick as hell the past 3 days, and right now my throat hurts so much that I can barely talk. So I had to pass on the opportunity to check out the madness. My brother did drive by one of the local book stores though, about 15-30 minutes prior to midnight, just to see what was up. Here are some pics from the front lines:

I feel sorry for the people who work at the book store.

On an unrelated note, I’ve changed the root directory of this site – – so that it’s a frame that points to this page. I felt this was better than having a crappy looking page redirect you here. A brief check out of things seems to indicate that all is well. Let me know if you have any problems though. It’s actually a frameset with only one frame object in it. I had no idea you could do that until I tested it out (on IE and Firefox).

Loose Ends

I’ve added a few things from my previous site:

Basically, two programming related tutorials that were written for this site and a gallery of mosaics. I think I want my programming section to consist of just tutorials this time, instead of downloadable examples. Well, I may do a little of both, but tutorials appeal a lot more to me. And for the moment being, I’m not taking any submissions, even though I’ve had a few people offer to write examples. Somewhere inside of me there is a Regular Expressions tutorial, but I want to wait a while, and I need to think up some really good examples for it. In school when I was taught about regular expressions, they were presented in the most boring way possible and we were shown no real world application of them. It was only recently that I re-discovered them and realized how great they really were.

I’ve stopped doing Spot Lighted Site posts and no one has called me on it. Not that I’d think any of you would lose any sleep over it, I felt kind of corny doing a weekly feature like that anyway. From now on I’m only going to sporadically feature a site or an article, since a lot of “Spot Lighted” posts might clutter up the main page and make it harder for people to find the real news. I’m also kind of torn on what kind of sites to feature. In the past I’ve featured some completely non-programming related sites like and sullen (now defunct), but it doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense for me to do that. I think I want to keep this site mostly on focus – though deviations from time to time are good. So I guess with all this rambling what I’m trying to say is that there’ll be less Spot Lighted Sites (like what’s been happening for the past month), and when something is talked about, it’ll hopefully have some kind of interest to the people who come here.

IMapper Studios Re-Introduction

During my senior year of high school I had the bright idea that I could make a living developing shareware – or at least pocket a few extra bucks that would make life a little easier. So I set forth on an idea that I had been throwing around in my head – a program that would allow you to easily create image maps for your web pages.

This decision was not made after examining the market and realizing there was a demand for this product. No, I decided to make an image mapper because:

A) I thought it would be fun to develop the moveable shape interface (shapes you can draw and then move around). It seemed like an interesting challenge for a visual basic app.
B) I saw some shareware image mapper that was selling for $15 and it royally sucked. I knew I could do better than that – and I figured I could make my product half the cost.

The development itself went pretty smoothly. I remember being at school, making notes on how I’d design everything. The pre-hype for the program also seemed to be pretty good. After my API Spy, Form shaper, and Mosaic app, a lot of people were interested in what I’d put out next – especially as a shareware app. I was even able to coax the then well known graphic designer Plastik into doing my intro graphic. So I had high hopes for the program.

However, when the release date came, I was getting kind of sick of the application and didn’t do much promotion besides posting up a notice on my main page. This wasn’t just because I was bored of the program, college was coming up and I had agreed to work for some start up (long story). So to make a long story short, I spent a lot of time making the program, but didn’t spend enough time promoting it. And because my audience at the time (VB developers, mostly prog developers) had no need or interest in the app, it didn’t make much of a wave.

I think I made a total of $100 after the first year, which kind of bummed me out. I realized I had picked the wrong application to make and I had not promoted it correctly. It left a bad taste in my month and whenever I think of the program, it sort of reminds me of failing. However, every time I actually open it up and look at it, I think it’s a pretty cool. It reminds me that I was a pretty good developer while in high school, and for some reason, I always forget that I was able to get Plastik to do the intro art, which blew my mind at the time. Anyway, I opened up the app earlier today and thought to myself “why did I decide not to post this??” So without further ado, I’m re-introducing this program for download. Below you’ll find some screen shots and links to two different zip files.

[Download] – The setup file.
[Download] – Just the exe and help file.

Stats: June vs May

I’m a big fan of stats and seeing what works and what doesn’t work. At the end of the day, it appears that TAAG was a worth while program to write. Hopefully I can continue to think up new stuff that will be interesting for people to check out. My end of the year goal is to be getting 500+ visitors a day. However, that may be a pie in the sky dream because even if I kept increasing my visitor count by  18.3%, I wouldn’t make that goal.

Also, based on the search engine results, I think I can conclude that google is awesome.

June Stats:
Average Number of Visitors a Day: 84.00
Total Number of Visitors: 2520
Total Amount of Bandwidth Used: 547.01 MB

Links from an Internet Search Engine  
8 different refering search engines Pages Percent Hits Percent
Google 373 91.8 % 373 91.8 %
Unknown search engines 11 2.7 % 11 2.7 %
Yahoo 9 2.2 % 9 2.2 %
AOL 5 1.2 % 5 1.2 %
MSN 5 1.2 % 5 1.2 %
Ask Jeeves 1 0.2 % 1 0.2 %
MetaCrawler (Metamoteur) 1 0.2 % 1 0.2 %
Dogpile 1 0.2 % 1 0.2 %

May Stats:
Average Number of Visitors a Day: 71.00
Total Number of Visitors: 2201
Total Amount of Bandwidth Used: 154.19 MB

Links from an Internet Search Engine  
5 different refering search engines Pages Percent Hits Percent
Google 137 84.5 % 137 84.5 %
Unknown search engines 9 5.5 % 9 5.5 %
Yahoo 9 5.5 % 9 5.5 %
MSN 4 2.4 % 4 2.4 %
Ask Jeeves 3 1.8 % 3 1.8 %


I had this big long journal entry in my head that I wanted to write, but at the moment I’m completely exhausted, so I’ll just give you the basic talking points:

* TAAG has had some major updates
– 11 New AOL fonts were added
– The code was optimized a bit, so it should run faster
– A preview page has been fully constructed with all of the fonts. Lets me know how this looks. I plan to spruce it up a little and maybe add a few more features in.

* I’ve been thinking it’s time to move onto my next application. I’ve got 2 ideas in mind that I want to implement. One is something easy that someone suggested through email, and the other would take a little bit of research and a little more time. Both would be online apps.

* I’ll probably be buying a new car within the next two weeks (maybe even on Sunday). My current plan is to get a Tiburon. I know it doesn’t have the highest ratings in everything (though it has gotten decent ratings and all the reviews I read were positive), but it looks awesome – yes, not a reason one should buy a car, but it’d be nice to drive something that actually looked cool.

136 Fonts Added to TAAG

Clear your caches people, TAAG has had the following updates made to it:

– 136 FIGlet fonts were added. Many of these I haven’t tested out yet, however, they should all work fine.
– “Smushing” should now work 100% correctly. Each FIGlet font has a series of rules that determines how its letters “smush” into each other when they are side by side. You can turn this option off/on by unchecking/checking the “Horizontal Text Smushing” checkbox.
– Some behind the scenes stuff that you wont notice but makes the code nicer.

View TAAG here: 

I’m not sure I’ll finish the preview page today, which is why I’m updating this so early. If I do get it done within the next few days, I’ll just edit this entry to announce it.

Also, within the next few days around 10 new AOL fonts will be added. Awesome Andrew was kind enough to send me a copy of my old prog “Fallen Legion” which had a whole bunch of them. For more info see the comments in the post below this one.



Big updates coming for the TAAG program. On Sunday, I hope to have the following:

– 100+ new fonts uploaded
– A preview page that will show you all of the fonts

Pic to HTML

One of ideas I’ve been toying with for a future project is a Pic to HTML program. This appeals to me mostly because I made one way back in the day and have lately had a few requests for it, I have a few new ideas that I think would make it worth writing, and because it would sort of compliment the TAAG program. I was thinking of making it an online web app, so I decided to survey what else was out there. One of the apps I saw had a disclaimer from the author, saying you had to login before you made anything. This was because someone was apparently uploading gross/illegal images to his server.

I would assume, and I may be wrong on this, that he knew the images were gross/illegal because he was logging what images people used in his program. Though he did later say he wasn’t doing this, so I’m not sure how he knew. However, this did give me some pause. I guess I’m naive, but using these web applications I would assume everything I do is private, however, this is most likely not the case in every web app. When the app isn’t on your computer, you don’t really control where the data goes. Hell, someone could write an online app and then funnel all your data to some marketing firm or use it to spy on you.

These ideas kind of creeped me out, and made me realize why online apps probably aren’t more popular. So if I do decide to make a Pic to HTML program, I’ll probably make 2 versions – one you can download, and one you can use online. Though I promise you all that I’d never log any info you inputted into one of my programs. However, we’re talking about weeks from now (hell, TAAG isn’t even done yet), and I have some other ideas I’m playing around with, so at this point in time, I don’t know what my next project will be.


On my stats page I’m noticing I’m getting around 20 hits a month to I’m not sure if there’s a link somewhere on the web pointing to that, or if people are checking to see if the message board still exists, but there are no forums on this site. At the current moment I’m averaging 70-something hits a day (though the past few days I’ve been getting 100+ visitors, which has been cool). I have no plans on bringing the forums back until I’m getting 500+ visits a day, and even then I’ll have to think about it. I did really like the community this site once had, but you can’t grow something like that overnight, and I don’t want them to be a ghost town (what they ended up turning into the past few years).


Are there any likeminded sites out there? In the past, I felt like I was part of a community of sites, these days, I sort of feel like I’m out on my own. Like I pointed out a while ago, a lot of my previous contemporaries have either abandoned their sites or gone on to other things. Hell, I don’t regularly visit many programming sites / blogs anymore. I feel like I should be though. I was linking to my (real life) friend David’s site, but he hasn’t updated it in 7 months and it’s mostly just for his personal photos anyway.


Alas, I was unable to finish my updates to the TAAG program. I’ll shoot for this weekend.

New York was a lot of fun. Unfortunately my camera broke, however, my friends took lots of pictures. I may edit this post later with one or two of them.

Edit: Eh, I’ll just link by buddy’s flickr account:

I’m the guy in the Radiohead t-shirt.