Ping! (just checking in)

I feel like I should try and check in at least every week or every other week, just so I don’t let this site get away from me. Ideally I’d like to have 2-3 updates a week. However, because working on this site isn’t my full time job, updates sometimes happen in quick succession, and sometimes far apart.

I also feel like I’ve had a rather uneventful last two weeks. Programming wise that is. In real life I’ve done a bunch of a stuff, including changing jobs within my company, which is strange and exciting but also daunting because it means having to learn a whole new system and set of processes. I’m hoping this learning curve doesn’t interfere too much with the plans I have for this site.

It’s amazing how energized I can feel about a certain idea. I’ll have it in the back of my mind all day, but then when I get home, I’ll be exhausted and not feel like programming. I’ll end up doing something lazy like watching TV, or something slightly physical like going to the gym. It’s not until around 11 o’clock that my mind wakes up again and I feel like doing something that requires brain cells. In fact, it’s amazing how much of the work for this site gets done between the hours of 11pm and 2am (I usually don’t get into work until around 10am).

I think I also jump around to too many ideas. At one point last week I was reading tutorials on Ruby – I’d heard so much about it that I wanted to see what the fuss was about – but then, after about an hour of reading, I realized I didn’t really need to know this language. It looked cool, but there were other languages I was currently using/learning, and it wasn’t really something I needed on my plate. A similar distraction happened when I looked into developing Facebook apps. You know those annoying things people post up on their profile pages? Apparently there’s big money in it:

LA Times Article on Facebook Software Biz
Business Week Article on Facebook Money Making
Crazy Story About a 17 Year Old Who’s Making 70k a Month From Her MySpace Layouts Page

The idea of making it big is appealing, and it caused me to look further into Facebook development, however, I actually do find most of the Facebook apps annoying, so I don’t think I could bring myself to make one. The fact that people are making so much money off them actually blows my mind though. How can such a dinky little app pull in so much money?

4 thoughts on “Ping! (just checking in)”

  1. Remember a picture makes the blog posting that much better. I try to add one image per posting.

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